Welcome! The Zooplankton Diversity Project exists to publicize the Database on Zooplankton of Carolina Bays, collected and curated by the University of Georgia and the Savannah River Ecology Lab. The purpose of this website is to make these data available and discoverable, and to document the origins and outcomes.
The Savannah River Site (SRS) is a US Department of Energy owned facility located in South Carolina. Located within the SRS property are a series of ephemeral wetlands known as Carolina Bays. These ephemeral wetlands are home to numerous zooplankton species. The specific species found in the bays (their community composition) changes throughout the seasons as bays fill with rain water or dry down during the hot summer months.
Members of the Drake lab in the Odum School of Ecology at the University of Georgia took on the task of sampling 14 bays monthly between January 2009 and spring 2016. Marcus Zokan spent many hours identifying the species (and even discovering a few) in the samples collected between January 2009 and December 2010.
For a more thorough description of sampling methods see Marcus' dissertation:
Zooplankton species diversity in the temporary wetland system of the Savannah River Site, South Carolina, USA. 2015, University of Georgia.
Each page on this website allows the viewer to download all data associated with its content or a filtered subset of that data based on interactive selections. In addition, the full dataset is available on Dryad.
The following works use these data.